Important aspects of teenage adoption one needs to know

Discovering that one person is unintentionally pregnant is a very alarming situation, especially when the person is teenager. The person’s health may not be allowing for the continuance of pregnancy or it may be a hindrance to the blossoming of the teen and for her future aspirations. In such a situation confidential abortion becomes the only option to escape from all the above mentioned inconveniences. At such a critical juncture one must make sure that she is knowledgeable about various aspects of termination of pregnancy and make sure that everything is carried out perfectly and safely so that all chances of any mishap are eliminated.

Confirm pregnancy

Missing a period is considered as the common symptom that heralds the existence of pregnancy in a woman. If one has other accompanying symptoms of pregnancy like nausea, tenderness in the breasts etc one can almost ascertain that it is pregnancy itself. If these symptoms make one suspicious about the existence of pregnancy, at-home test can be done by the candidate as a prelude. Such tests are very accurate and are available in every drug store.

Diagnosis by doctor

If the home test confirms the existence of pregnancy, then a confirmation diagnosis by a doctor can be obtained by meeting him in is clinic or house. Though at-home tests are very reliable, only lab tests conducted under the prescription of a medical doctor can confirm the pregnancy without any mistake.

Consult doctor

After the confirmation of the pregnancy, doctor may ask you several questions. Your doctor can be of great help and source of knowledge for the patient. Pregnancy will naturally induce some physical changes in your body. He will be able to give you an approximation regarding how far the pregnancy has proceeded. Abortions are considered to be very safe in the first trimester. Many states have their own laws relating to abortion. So it is better to get some basic information about the pregnancy laws prevailing in your state.

Consider the options

Unexpected pregnancy at a very young age and before marriage is a really frightening experience. One may feel very confused and scared. Take a few days to think about the possible options and the course of action you prefer to take. If you have a friend or family member whom you can trust and open up your mind without fear, don’t be afraid to disclose the matter to him/her and get the opinion and most needed support from that person. Think about what will be the best option giving paramount importance to your health.

There are three probable options for a teen who is having unexpected pregnancy. One is to give birth to the baby and grow the baby as a single mother. Next one is to deliver the baby and place it for lawful adoption. The last one is to terminate the pregnancy so that everything is over very easily and no further problems follow in your life.

Even if you prefer abortion, it is better to go for a counselling session as the decision to abort and process of abortion can cause severe emotional conflicts. A mental resource person will be the suitable person as he/she can help you in reducing your mental strain and take proper and justifiable decision at the most critical hour of your life. If the abortion centre were you are getting physical support have counsellors, it will be of very helpful in carrying out the abortion. It will be very good as all your emotional problems can be solved easily. You can also ask father of the child to help you in taking a proper decision and carrying it out seamlessly. But the mother’s decision is the legally standing one.

Parental notification

Laws of some states provide that the intention to terminate the pregnancy of a minor has to be intimated to the parent or the guardian of the person concerned.

The law states that both the parents have to be notified unless the mother insists that only one parent is to be notified. The parent or guardian appointed by the court will be considered as the parent or guardian in certain cases related to abortion clinics.

If the pregnant woman is living with her grant parent or uncle, they only need to be notified.

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